About Asia Photo Connection

Thank you for visiting, and for being curious about, Asia Photo Connection, AKA Henry Westheim Photography. We're curious, too, and our photographers explore every corner of Asia documenting their explorations with photos. You can see many of our Asia stock photos on this website and we hope you enjoy viewing them; we surely enjoyed creating them! New photographs are continuously added to our growing stock photo library. Also, if you're looking for a photographer based in Taiwan, you've come to the right place.

As you probably either know, or have just learned, photos from Asia, and of Asians, is our specialization. Our primary focus is Asian lifestyle, places of interest, and culture. The stock photography that you will see on this site covers Asian lifestyles (modern and traditional) highlighting images of daily life, business, typical travel destinations, as well as destinations 'off the beaten' track, and culture. If there's something in particular you're looking for and you don't find it by searching our website, please contact us. We have many more photos in our library and more are added to our website on a continual basis. We're also available for research and to photograph on assignment.

The photographers of Asia Photo Connection spend much of their time traveling around Asia to the most intriguing, fascinating and picturesque places on Earth. They create and capture photos that show stunning images of people, culture, history, and places that most only dream of seeing.

Asia Photo Connection represents photographers in Taiwan and throughout the Asia region, each photographer specializing in a different aspect of photography, for example, people, architecture, scenics, culture, etc.

We are available to photograph on assignment to help you meet your corporate, advertising, and/or editorial image needs, whether it be in a studio or on location. If you're looking for a photographer that's based in Taiwan, and has an in-depth knowledge of Asia, you've come to the right place -- Asia Photo Connection.

Asia Photo Connection's founder, Henry Westheim, is a native of the New York City area and has been living in Asia for the past 14+ years. He currently lives in Taiwan.